Monday, August 5, 2013


I would like to speak briefly on the topic of education. I'll draw the picture and the conclusion is yours to decide. When you take away education you fail a community. You can't combat poverty with government assistance or any welfare program. Only with education can one free oneself from the grip and perpetuity of poverty. Closing schools on the basis of saving money is ludicrous to say the least and it speaks to the imprudent planning involved. How can there be no funds allocated to the institutions which undoubtedly will shape our future generation, society and communities? The first of budgets cuts started with the education if our kids. Kids are becoming to familiar and comfortable with the thought of a future unavoidable of despair. 

Closing schools rob the kids of hope. Especially when they see prisons being funded in its place. They know as well as you and I that no education means limited opportunity. The only difference is, as adults we know the significance. Is it possible that closing schools arouses antagonism? Does it not provoke a mental attitude among the inner city communities that they are predestined to be failures.  Furthermore these kids accept this conclusion and end up on an inevitable path toward welfare and crime. Very few make it out and the ratio isn't worthy of displaying. We have to put the brakes on this cycle of economical and societal despair. 

To think that because kids attend school they receive the same education and are equipped with the same tools as others isn't just a naive way of thinking; it is disrespectful in the highest regard. For example, two athletes enter a marathon, but one runner has the proper training and the other is running purely on impulse. I make that statement because I attended De La Salle HS and then Marion Abramson HS. I can ensure you that what I learned in one year at De La Salle was far superior to the latter. 

Due to the graduation requirements I was only liable to take one class during my senior year. It's fair to say I truncated my high school education for two years and picked up to barely make it across the stage for graduation. In hindsight, without a doubt, if I would have stay at the aforementioned I would have taken a different path in life. As silly as this may sound I'm glad I didn't. I would be here not stressing the importance of education. 

I know firsthand what a limited vocabulary will do a a young man's self esteem and confidence in a room full of his peers engaged in his brief as he painfully stumbles and stammers to the conclusion. Full of broken sentences, poor subject verb agreement and run on sentences that could be mistaken for a paragraphs. Dedication to education is imperative, as immigrants make there way to America they bring with them a hunger for a education that is only parallel and legitimately compared to the hunger of fame and praise that Americans posses. 

Stricter guidelines and regulations for kids who neglect school is not only needed but vital. If we need to implement school buses for schools with low attendance and a monitor to ensure kids are boarding the buses, a roll call present at every stop, why not? Make it happen! How about we add a stimulus package and incentives and or bonuses for current and new teachers. I think a loan repayment system as the military does would also be suffice. 

Education should be viewed on the same scale as the war. If we win the war but because of declining education we can't advance the country. The war was all for not and a slap in the face to those who served. I'm not that naive to believe that everyone will be doctors, lawyers and six figure salary compensated workers. I can ensure you if the possibility is there it adds incentive. Instinctually when humans are in situations where they know they are afforded equal footing, stress is replaced with confidence. 

There is no coincidence Americans ranks near the bottom in education and that due to immigration we are able to supplement the workforce with those who are hungry for education. Putting in the handwork has been replaced with get rich quick schemes and an attitude for having monetary value sooner than later. Higher education is becoming increasingly harder to acquire due to cost of tuition and the recent double in interest rates from 3.4 to 6.8. Spending money to make money has never been a realer quote. I'm not convinced education at an Ivy League school or prestigious university is any different from and HBCU. Reason being many of those graduates run our government. Enough said. I urge anyone reading this to study what you love. But if you are attending college for healthier compensation it's best you do your research before hand to avoid getting a degree that won't benefit you. Don't forsake reading and being educated outside your field of study, especially when it comes to politics: american and international. Educate yourself in the laws in your state and the amendments. Ignorance is never an excuse, and there is significant danger and delusion associated with allowing others to think for you. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Color Barrier pt 1

Recently I was engaged in conversation and ancient slavery was the center of the discussion. If I may state that I'm not pro-black I'm pro-God and side with what's right regardless of color. I try to refrain from talking about problems that plague only the black community but in this instance I have to. Society has been well versed in the ills of slavery and the effects it has had on the nation as a whole. Slavery and oppression there after has put African or Black Americans whichever you identify as at war with the government and whites of all classes. The main reason I'm not a supporter of living continually with the scorn of slavery at heart is we become mentally enslaved and can't progress for holding onto the pass. In any situation where one's life is sacrificed or taken for the purpose of any cause those who paid the debt would like nothing other than progress made by those who come after them. Please don't expect this to be a black vs. white rant nor an abasement of blacks. Instead I'll be looking briefly at solutions and situations to get ahead and use history for it's intended purpose. To learn from, progress, and refrain from repeating. Because what would be worse than regressing in such an advanced age we live in. 

Adaption and perseverance are two characteristics that wholly describe blacks in American history. Society and the times have changed since the conception of America to oppress blacks but adapting to and persevering through has allowed us to make monumental strides in American history. Making more possible with less than one could imagine is evident throughout history, and common practice of God Almighty. Physically beaten down but mentally and spiritually strong at heart. I can see no sign of self-victimization hindering blacks in previous generations instead taking responsibility and manners into their own hands and standing tall for what they believe in. The black church was a chief in the black communities; a source of strength and spiritual regeneration. MLK mirrored Jesus Christ and his nonviolent movement helped advance the black community and it's people tremendously. Even those who weren't in church thanked God for the blessings. 

As I fast forward to the present day it seems as though as a whole we have hit a roadblock. Reason being, we have opportunities but fewer blacks a re taking advantage of them. Entertainment and fashion is becoming increasingly prevalent in this current generation. Black families and specifically speaking to men we have waned in progression sadly. Jail, non-stop murder, homosexuality, abortion and promiscuity has plagued the black man and population. Less fathers and role models. This is post fathers day and the number of fatherless families is a disheartening. Not these aren't problems in others ethnicities. It affects the majority of the black population from the underprivileged to the privileged. That's why these are such an alarming issues. But what is more important is the issue of education. Our communities celebrate when we are afforded opportunities others have had access to for many years prior. We call it progress and change. Lets call it what it really is, a government spoon feeding us necessities, rights and privileges. Education is essential to progression. Equality isn't just an even playing field. Equality is also access to the tools to compete in the field. Books, schools, teachers and resources are essential to all athletes in the field of academia. Those of us who advance and overcome the "hood" are charged with reaching back to help others. It's only right. Giving a man or woman hope along with the thought that someone cares about them goes a long way. Complaining about what others haven't done, examine what you have done. Sadly, many won't even help their own family members. 

How can this be alleviated? In my opinion, for starters ridding ourselves of a selfish and righteous attitude. Getting back to what church was: a place to help and heal those dealing with suffering and providing a family atmosphere. I remember the term "it takes a village to raise a child." Now we have forgotten the children and they are left to raise themselves. We need to get back to fighting for education equality as I stated earlier and stop schools from closing. Also providing more trade schools for high school grads. I fear many don't understand the significance of the steady decline in the black population. Coupled with a generation that have the wrong priorities. Yes there are many blacks attending college but don't turn a blind eye to those who aren't even finishing high school at the least. This is a call to action that everyone be responsible to oneself and those around them. Just because one doesn't ask for help doesn't mean they don't need it. The wall of pride has to sometimes be knocked down from outside because the occupant within isn't strong enough. 

Color Barrier pt 2

Does color matter? Obviously it does. Our society is plagued with issues on race and everyone is terribly afraid to discuss them. Myself on the other hand would rather put a magnifying glass to the issue. How else can a problem be fixed; it surely won't fix itself. I believe one key to life is to not worry proving others wrong but proving yourself right. Also not to get caught up trying to be superior to others but refuse to feel inferior to others. When will the black community overcome the stigma of race/color that society has attached to us? I won't sit here and say there aren't struggles associated with being black. I remember Hurricane Katrina 2005 and being called a "refugee" on the same soil I reside and pay taxes as a citizen. Also I live under the social blanket that "all black men are dogs." With good reason that title exist but its demeaning also. That's neither here nor there. There is a constant battle between dark skin and fair skin blacks. Which I think is ridiculous. Whatever happened to unity? I've had a guy tell me that I was jealous because he was fairer skinned than myself. My response was simply this: in the eyes of some you and I are still viewed as niggers and you're as shallow as a kiddie pool to make such a trivial statement. I have friends who will only date fair skin blacks which I think is terribly ridiculous. But those who are affected most are the children. When I see shows and little children who are innocent to everything in the world but have an inferior complex due to their skin color is heartbreaking to say the least. This is why I speak so heavily against this black vs. black battle that is going on. There are numerous scriptures in the bible where it states that God does not regard the person. Christians are made in the image of God. Just imagine if we disregarded the person and only the character and the heart of the person. This would be a much better world to live in.   

The race war within the black community is near the top of issues that cause concerns. How wonderful it is to be a race with a wide range of shades but we make it an issue that divides us. Many point back to slavery. I counter with the fact that slaves only sat in slavery so long before something was to be done. Furthermore, many said enough with excuses time for some action. So how long are we going to use slavery as a crutch? I urge you as you read this that our community has to come from under the umbrella of slavery. We need action. I wish I had the influence. I would make it my mission along with bringing people to Christ to unite the black community. In Matthew 12 Jesus answered the Pharisees and asked them how can a kingdom divided stand instead it would face desolation. So my question is this: how much longer will the black community be divided on the issue that is skin color which none have any control over. Murder, abortion and jail is depleting the race. Also there are more pressing issues like education which would alleviate the many ills affecting all. I can absolutely care less what hue your brown skin is. We're all beautiful. If you're not a genuine person with holy motives than you need to reexamine yourself. Color is really only skin deep. Don't be color struck.

A couple years back I struggled with race inferiority. I work in an area where there are fifty people and two percent of those are black. I asked myself what am I doing here and how did I get this position. I felt I wasn't intellectually or intelligent enough to be in this specific area. I'll describe to you how our imagination and early surroundings are the roots to the problem. Growing up as a black kid in the inner city you quickly realize the difference in opportunities offered due to skin color. Automatically we are prone to think we are superior or inferior to others; in my case I felt inferior. I was accepted into one of the top private schools in New Orleans but due to me feeling inferior I left no rug unturned to get expelled so that I could be where I was comfortable and in many instances superior to other students. Now I'm in the Air Force faced with the same problems. As I sat and pondered, there was no way out. So I imagined all of these situations where I would be embarrassed or shown inferior to others, just feeling lucky to be where I was. Every time there was an opportunity to advance I let my imagination display every possible scenario until I was convinced that there was no way so I retreated back to my comfort zone. There are vices, fears and issues that keep a stronghold onto us through a more significant issues (race/skin color). And once purged from the root the additional vices, fears and issues have nothing to feed on. We must put negative thoughts on a diet and starve them and in turn feed the positive thoughts giving them sufficient care to ensure growth. Our imagination turns molehills into mountains when we aren't equipped with the correct mental tools to analyze and fix problems. As I read the bible more and more I was assured that I'm not filled with a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7. Power to overcome, love to endure and a sound mind to analyze and act accordingly. 

This civil race war can be put to an end, but only when those involved are prepared to do so. I can honestly say that I fear many aren't prepared to. For the simple fact that it gives them a lifeline when life goes awry. We also support the television shows, music and entertainment that demeans our race. As I stated before we have to take responsibility for our future and stop hoping someone will provide an avenue out. Seeing that we are the ones dealing with it but we also add fuel to the fire by buying into the fact that one skin color is superior to another within the race is where the problem resides. Once we become comfortable with ourselves and love who we are created by God. Then and only then can progress be made. I recommend whenever a race issues arises or any for that matter that you read Hebrews 12 and consider Christ. The author and finisher of our faith. God bless. Love to all no matter the race. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pastors, Priests, Apostles or Disciples

Anyone who wishes to give the meaning of the scripture without taking it from scripture is against the scripture - St. Augustine. Caution to the reader! If you love your pastor, priest, apostle, prophet etc. dearly and get offended if anyone says anything in opposition to him or her. Do not proceed. By no means is this meant to be malicious or adversarial. If you have read any blog of mine be assured this one will be scripture laden. Foremost, God's blessings and love to you. Now, there are some awesome pastors, priests, apostles or disciples who preach the gospel; Christ and Christ crucified 1 Corinthians 2:1-2. Sitting here I think my chief concern is that ministers of the word have gotten away from the saving souls. Which is the most important job anyone can have on this earth. So I'm going to speak specifically to this. The crucifixion of Jesus was your provision to have a relationship with God John 17:1-3 not the source of your bank account and desires. Oh how wrong we have it. Seek first the Kingdom. Be cognizant of the motive in your heart. 

If you haven't noticed there are churches in abundance throughout America, but our nation is increasingly wicked, lovers of money and self, and full of pride. It was pride that turned angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. - St. Augustine. I had someone tell me that God had yet to save them from pride. I was just as baffled as you are. One would think that with so many churches professing to have the Holy Spirit in every service we would have change in the congregation and communities. I can tell you the Holy Spirit is not a flash in the pan. Frankly speaking, what happens in our lives and this nation relies on God's House not the White House. When Jesus wept over Jerusalem his heart was broken for his people who were lost spiritually. When was the last time your pastor, priest, apostle or disciple wept over his congregation? 

I tend to visit Barnes and Nobles about twice a week. As I walked through on my last visit I noticed something that left me with disturbed.. To my amazement there were more self-help books written by popular pastors, priests apostles and disciples than there were Bibles, philosophy and books containing african american content. You may say it's harmless but please be objective, please. A man or woman who wears the title of God, which implies that they have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and their life and words they speak are guided by God. So how can their image be posted on the cover of these books. My understanding tells me that they know their image will sell the book. By the way if you have read one, you have read them all. Their main source is the bible which you have yourself. Read it and live it! What happened to the power of God? 1 Timohy 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

The Word of God and faith, read Hebrews 11, has been directing and lives prior to this wave of self-help books. If these books are of such importance and add value to one's life why not give them away. Between tithes and offerings, benevolence offerings tax exemptions and pastor appreciation day, personally I think it is ridiculous, and all the the other organizations that bring in money those books can be donations. But due to church tax exemptions they can't be writing off. Preaching is a passion and not a profession - Leonard Ravenhill. In Acts 6:3-4 the twelve called all the disciples together to discuss the ministry and serving tables. Seven men were chosen to handle the business so that they could give themselves continually praying and ministering of the Word. That was the only job that they partook in. Do you honestly think they thought about writing another book beside the Bible to supplement what they preached? Notice how wicked our nature is. When someone tells you they have been blessed by God we first think some job or material possession. But if God took all of their "blessings" would you still consider that person blessed? Matthew 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 

Maybe what they are trying to help you attain, be it self preservation, which Christians should posses none of, remember "deny yourself" Luke 9:23-24. When was the last time you heard a sermon on denying yourself? Or is it success, health, or whatever your heart desires please refer to 1 John 2:16. Jesus had nowhere to lay his head but the foxes had a den. We have it all wrong in America. God owes you nothing and we owe him everything. Do you know in Deuteronomy 3:26 God told Moses "Do not speak to me no more on this matter" in v. 25 Moses was praying to God. Anyone can accept when God says "yes." When we have learned to be submissive to God, you can accept when he says "no." Pastors, priests apostles or disciples tell the congregation that God's delay is not denial but it may very well be. How many of you have prayed for God to send you someone "special" you saw endlessly, received, than it wasn't what you expected and prayed for them to go away. 

Jesus appointed the twelve apostles and made Paul a minister and witness. Jesus said in Acts 26:18 open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light, from the power Satan to God so they may receive forgiveness of sins. Take a few mins if you have been in your church for some time now and think about those who attend every week including bible study but still live the same wretched life. The pastor says this person is saved. Please don't make a mockery of the Godhead. Many sit through church hear the Word of God then when church has concluded they are gossiping and carrying on. If God struck gossipers with leprosy as he did the sister of Moses for talking about his wife, churches would be healing meetings. Pastors, priests apostles or disciples should see to it that there is church discipline and not be absent to avoid hurting feelings. This one reason is why God and the Christian church is mocked. Malachi 2:17 when we say those who are evil are good in the eyes of God. Matthew 18 talks on church conflict and discipline, where has it been? 

1 Peter 4:18 tells that the righteous  are scarcely saved. Matthew 7 Jesus tells that those who profess Lord, Lord won't enter into the Kingdom. We are children of God but His Kingdom and riches aren't of this world which is wicked 1 John 5:19. If your pastor doesn't preach repentance and doesn't tell you that your sin puts you at enmity/ hostility with God shame on him. If your pastors continually tells you of the Love of the Lamb but he doesn't describe the Wrath of the Lamb Revelation 6:16. Be a Berean and get in your Bible. God is angry with the wicked every day Psalms 7:10-12. Jesus spoke more about hell than Heaven and false teachings for a reason. Jesus gave all and the same is expected of us as Christians and His gospel should be preached as instructed. Micah 6:18-19…. God is holy, loving, compassionate, and merciful! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


This topic has worn at my heart for some time now and I couldn't put off writing about it any longer. One of the most ridiculous defenses I have heard in the response to abortion is "you're a man and you have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body." In a sense you are correct but since women aren't asexual and can't reproduce on their own I will voice my opinion. Furthermore when a woman does have a baby and a man tells her "since you decided to have the baby you take care of it since you wanted it." Neither statement should be used as justification to have an abortion or not take care of a child. On one hand it's why we have so many abortions and on the other the reason we have so many absent fathers. Absent father now there is a paradox for you. I think those two statements classify as pure unadulterated ignorance. There are only one hundred ways to prevent pregnancy, maybe I'm exaggerating but I'm not being facetious. If you haven't guessed it yet I am pro-life. This won't be a malicious attack on women at all, just a few reasons why I'm pro-life. The fact that our president is a professing Christian which I now beg to differ. His stance on this topic alone is why I was disgusted with his inauguration and the use of MLK's bible. He doesn't share the same passion or have the same views on a topic which MLK stood boldly against but you wouldn't know until you read and come across it as I did.

I often wonder what was the significance of Roe v. Wade if there is still deliberation going on in our society. To date the total number is above fifty million. Think about this, if society finally decides that abortion is legal there will be justification for all who did such and the doctors who go into the practice of since this is a lucrative medical practice. On the other hand, if not the history of America will be tarnished with infant genocide. When   I read my Bible the first blessing God bestowed upon man in Genesis 1: 28 was to be fruitful and multiply. Abortion is the adverse of that. So for those of us who are Christians and profess we love God but agree with abortion live openly in rebellion to God's blessing. One thing that leaves me completely baffled is when people say that pregnancy was an accident. Please help me understand how sexual intercourse which is an intentional act can preclude a pregnancy that is labeled accidental. Consequences follow actions be them good or bad. Supporters of abortion try to use as a red herring the horrific circumstance of rape or incest which only one percent of women have reported; I'm wouldn't be opposed to rape or incest and the percentage of abortions caused by these acts won't even cause a minor difference in the number of abortions. My prayers to those affected by rape and incest and may God have mercy on the perpetrators. 

 Abortion clinics are geographically located in Black American or Brown American, poverty stricken/ low income areas. Is this coincidence, don't be naive, please. Areas that have no shortage of below average education, employment and opportunities to succeed; also there is no shortage of abortion clinics. Did you know that blacks are now the minority once again and are out numbered by our Hispanic brothers and sisters? The saying goes number don't lie, among white women for every one thousand babies born 138 are aborted and amongst black women 501 are aborted, that's just about five to one. We have a black president but our population is in a steady decline. I quote " if you only know what one tells you, you know nothing at all." Along with jail and drugs blacks are just as impoverished as ever. Don't dare say if I made it you can, someone helped you make it; who are you helping? I don't have the physical power but spiritually I do so I commit myself to prayer for change and for my people to come out of their state of oblivion. 

“The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.” How can the “Dream” survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. The mother decides his or her fate. - MLK

I was reading my Bible I was in Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet I will not forget thee. That verse cut deeply, why would God make such a reference; then at the same time we have mothers who do such. Let's look at Hosea 9:11 As for Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth, and from the womb, and from the conception; No birth, no pregnancy, no conception is this reference pure coincidence I think not. Lastly  Ecclesiastes 11:5 As though knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh them all. These references to the womb of a woman aren't coincidence, instead God uses them as comparisons to His chosen people Deuteronomy 14:2. Life is extremely precious. Without life you wouldn't be reading this, enjoying the family you love dearly, your walk-in closet full of clothes and shoes or upcoming vacation trips. Every life is valuable even those that aren't born yet and those to come. I could write ad nauseum about this topic, but I'll leave you with this. In China there is a one-child policy. Parents with more than one child don't get the same benefits as those with one child. In some cases mothers are forced to abort against their will. Can you imagine such? Or having to give birth at home and living secretly to avoid the government that tries to confiscate your child. Moreover ten percent of women in America are infertile, they consider women who have the option for abortion blessed. I pray that if you are pro-choice you reconsider your stance on this issue. God's Blessing and love to all.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

Deny Yourself

Why must we deny ourselves? The premise of this blog is to state why if we do deny ourselves we can get in line with our walk in Christ. Being a Christian isn't going to be a walk in the park. Philippians 3:18-20 gives an awesome illustration! As Christians we all strive to be like Jesus and have a mind as such. How many of us would wash the feet of our friends? I know right. Jesus spent forty days fasting in the wilderness with the devil beside trying to tempt Him. Most can't get from breakfast to lunch without getting hungry and not even thinking about Jesus. We can't resist the temptation of a quick dollar or scheme to get ahead. Would you want a Judas in your life, someone you consider a friend that sets you up to be killed; tempted by money! Can you stand to be ridiculed and thought to be crazy by your closet family members? One would be affected deeply to get slander from those we love so dearly. How would life be if you came to help others from peril and they shun you. Then they mock, ridicule and scoff at you. Then for the sake of others you are put to death so that they may live; knowing that they will be ungrateful and unappreciative. Do you still want to be like Jesus? Christian life isn't supposed to be glamorous. Matthew 16:24 tells us that if we are to follow after Jesus we are to deny ourselves and take up our cross. Pick up that cross and don't look back. Keep your eyes on Jesus and eternity alone.  

Everything man and woman wants to do in this world is contradicted by the Gospel unless your life includes exalting God and humbling yourself. Depression, anxiety, and suicide is on sweeping climb. We now have children and teenagers committing the act of suicide. My sympathy to their families. It is such a sad thing that children who haven't experienced life feel such despair that at thirteen they decide to kill themselves. How can this be? We are the richest nation but our citizens are poor and miserable, spiritually and mentally. How can someone living the "American Dream" be so desirable but many are in debt trying to obtain it, be so desperate that they are afflicted with alcohol and drug addiction to an extent that some are nearly unrecognizable in 5 years. We have gone wrong when we become self-centered, full of self-pity, self concerned and full of self interest. Isn't it a coincidence Jesus tells us to deny ourselves. 

Concerned with how peers and society perceives us has left many in debt, weary trying to please everyone and broken in spirit due to a search of happiness in impenetrable darkness tripped up by the devil (Proverbs 4:19). Drowning in weariness and sadness because we are devoid of pleasures or the pleasure we sought and attained aren't what we thought they were. Many will perish because they conceive that life can be managed without God; and if we do need God it's only in dire situations. God isn't a good luck charm or repair kit for our life to use at our disposal. If someone only came to you when they needed you, you would label them a selfish and opportunistic individual. Denying oneself can be a very contradictory statement but it is paradoxical also in a sense if we deny ourselves and live humbly under God we will have no worries. It is the way God ordained us to live. John 14:30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of the world cometh and hath nothing on me.  The devil couldn't bother Jesus and that is why we are urged to be like Jesus and deny ourselves. Why did Jesus say such, because He was doing the will of the Father whom the devil has no stance against. If we do the will of the Father how can the devil have hold on us. Quite frankly if I were not to exist this world would still go on without me. What are we owed by God? Pascal said this about God and man; "If he exalts himself, I will humble him, if he humbles himself I will exalt him and I always contradict him till he understands that he is an incomprehensible monster"

We are born sinners into a fallen and increasingly wicked world. We travel, if, without proper guidance or refusal thereof through life knowingly and unknowingly ignorant of God. The first being the worst. We search to no end for wisdom and knowledge of this world. Incurring debt because of schooling, embarrassment due to being misguided, frustrated by the lack thereof from peers and puzzled why we even wasted the time trying to figure out this complex and delusional world and its occupants. Somewhere along the line we are summoned by God Almighty to come to and find the wisdom we are seeking and few heed the warnings and wooing. Those who do, patiently and obediently along with humility and sincerity, garner the understanding that the wisdom offered by God is the only true wisdom needed to sojourner this interlude until the judgement of eternal life. We are back where we started born again in this world but this time with the wisdom we yearned for. Some luckily sooner than others but nevertheless at the culmination of peace and contentment injected with the love and guidance of God. Clinging to Him as children to their mother for nurturing all the days of our remaining life. We are ignorant to the world but forever in spiritual childhood for God is our only source that leads to eternal life. Matthew 15:3 lest we be as little children we can't enter Heaven.

As a fellow Christian I urge you deny yourself and give up yourself to God. Reason one, Psalms 115:3 But our God sits in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he pleases. Reason two, Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Reason three, Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. I can continue on but what reassurance in those three verses. Lastly God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). God is our creator and is full of love and also severity and of he doesn't judge us accordingly He be contradicting Himself and we know such not to be possible (Romans 11:22). Everyday we are patiently waiting on the Lord, obediently following His laws and commandments and praying in the Holy Spirit. I say again when you take up your cross  leave this world cheerfully and not tearfully. Examine yourself 1 Peter 4:18 and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? You can reference Matthew 7 also, few who profess Lord Lord will enter. I don't say this to scare you but to let you know that our walk with Christ must be meticulous and methodical. It's more serious that we can imagine. Pray!

Malachi 2:17 Ye have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?

As I concluded I would like to share 2 John 1:1, my little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. Many may disagree but don't let anyone persuade you that because you are "human" you can't help but sin. Try to live everyday of your life as if God was watching you continually, because he is. Greater is he that is in us that the world. Examining this verse, we are told to sin not; not sin less, it is cut off. Secondly if any man sin, not when we sin. If we believe the Bible to be the absolute truth we can live life not as sinners but as followers of Christ. Sinners live life doing such. Followers of Christ live as such not in sin and if they repent immediately. Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I live in the flesh I live by FAITH of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. God's love and blessings to all. A man intimate with God is not intimidated by men - Leonard Ravenhill.